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2023-05-29 0 Views

The principle of ultrapure water

The principle of the ultrapure water device is that the tap water is pre-treated by a precision filter element and an activated carbon filter element to filter particles such as sediment and absorb odors, etc., making the tap water cleaner;to4Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

< Then the reverse osmosis machine is used for water purification and desalination, and the purified water goes to the water storage tank for storage. . to4Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

The pure reverse osmosis water is desalinated by the purification column to obtain premium water or ultrapure water. Finally, if the user has special requirements, after the ultrapure water, UV sterilization is added, microfiltration, ultrafiltration and other equipment to remove residual bacteria, particles, heat sources, etc. in the water. to4Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

The lifespan of ultrapure water is closely related to water quality and daily maintenance. Poor water quality and lack of attention to daily reCleaning and maintenance will degrade and shorten the life of the ultrapure water device. to4Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

A bacterial film easily forms on the surface of the water tank and the RO membrane of the ultrapure water device. The bacterial film leads to problems when operating the water purifier, e.g. B. To clog the filter membrane and increase the internal pressure, the system leaks, the booster pump is damaged; the bacterial film also causes the ion exchange resin to stop working normally; the bacterial film can also clog the RO membrane; clean the water tank regularly;

Regardless of the water consumption size, replace consumables in time. All consumables soaked in water inevitably form a film of bacteria. During use, the water purifier consumables should be replaced in a timely manner according to the size situation, to avoid the formation of bacterial film and the waterto bring the cleaner into the best condition and to maintain the experimental results. High consistency with low soiling background. to4Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

Precision filter elements, activated carbon filter elements, reverse osmosis membranes and purification columns are all relatively long-life materials. Precision filter elements and activated carbon filter elements are actually designed to protect reverse osmosis membranes when they fail; to4Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

Then the load on the reverse osmosis membrane increases and the service life decreases. The life of the column is shortened. to4Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

The end result is an increase in the cost of using the ultrapure water device. to4Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

to4Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer