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Examination of antiperspirant formula

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  • Antiperspirant is mainly used in summer and autumn. Because the weather is hot, people are prone to sweat, and the body will emit a sweat smell that is unacceptable. At this time, the use of antiperspirant can well cover the smell of sweat. Of course, other products have similar effects, such as fox odor medicine, antiperspirant, fox odor spray, antiperspirant spray and other similar products have good effects

    d93Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

    Overview of antiperspirants

    The function of antiperspirants is to keep the body dry, and they are usually used in other parts of the body that are prone to sweating, such as the armpits.

    . Therefore, antiperspirants have become a must-have for many people who love to sweat during summer. Anti sweat agents can also effectively inhibit the growth of fungi, remove sweat and odors from the human body. The formula contains aluminum salts and zirconium, which can inhibit sweat gland secretion. After aluminum salts come into contact with the skin, they will absorb sweat on the surface of the skin and turn it into a gel, greatly reducing the amount of sweat that appears in the form of water

    d93Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

    Effect of antiperspirant

    2.1. Reduce the amount of sweat flowing to the surface of the skin 2.2. Inhibiting the production of fungi that cause body odor 2.3. Mask the sweat odor and emit a fragrance 2.4. It cannot balance human body heat and has no drying effect

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    Analysis of ingredients for antiperspirant formula testing

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    Testing and testing characteristics:

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    3. Engineers provide one-on-one services to make testing more accurated93Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

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    5. Self service order delivery for free on-site samplingd93Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

    6. Short cycle, low cost, and attentive serviced93Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

    7. Possess authoritative qualifications such as CMA, CNAS, CAL, etcd93Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

    8. The testing report is authoritative and effective, and is generally used in Chinad93Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

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