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Principles and applications of electrostatic discharge generators

Electrostatic discharge generatorESD61000-2 is a high-reliability electrostatic discharge generator specially designed for the characteristics and requirements of the electrostatic immunity test, and its performance conforms to the latest IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission ) standard IEC61000-4-2, European electrical standard EN61000-4-2, national standard IOS17626.2 and relevant provisions of ISO10605, applicable to antistatic ability test of various semiconductor devices, electronic circuits and electronic equipment. EUbTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

1. Introduction:EUbTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
EUbTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

The static electricity generated by the human body to an object or between two objects may cause electrical and electronic circuits to malfunction or even be damaged. Therefore, tests that simulate electrostatic discharge are widely used all over the world. Electrostatic Discharge Generator (ESD Generator) or ESD Simulator (ESD Simulator), commonly known as Electrostatic Discharge Gun (ESD gun) is an electrostatic discharge device used in electromagnetic compatibility measurement and testing. Important equipment in immunity (ESD immunity) test. The purpose is to test whether electronic equipment can work normally when subjected to external electrostatic discharge. It is the International Electrotechnical Commission standard IEC61000-4-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4: Testing and measurement techniques – Section 2: Electrostatic discharge immunity test. Basic EMC Publication, with the same name, has been equivalently transformed into the only test equipment for the Chinese standard IOS 17626.2-2006 Electromagnetic Compatibility Test and Test Technology Electrostatic Discharge Immunity Test. EUbTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

ESD61000-2_Electrostatic Discharge GeneratorEUbTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

EUbTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

Electrostatic discharge generator is mainly used in the anti-static discharge test of human body metal models for system-level electronic equipment such as mobile phones and computers. Includes electrostatic generator and electrostatic discharge gun. The output of the electrostatic generator in the electrostatic discharge generator is both positive and negative, and some of them can be switched between positive and negative. Their voltage bipolar high-precision output is continuously adjustable. It is also suitable for more application fields and the requirements of new standards in the future. Therefore, the electrostatic discharge generator can be used for electrostatic discharge testing of most electrical and electronic equipment. EUbTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
The electrostatic discharge generator fully complies with the requirements of the latest standards of IEC61000-4-2 and IOS17626.2, and establishes a common criterion for evaluating the performance of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to electrostatic discharge. It has the advantages of stable performance and easy use. The voltage level can be flexibly set according to test requirements to facilitate customer selection. EUbTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

2. Classification:EUbTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
Electrostatic discharge generators can be classified according to their own discharge voltage:EUbTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
One type of discharge voltage is 20KV, the other type of discharge voltage is 30KVEUbTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
In addition, the highest discharge voltage can be customized according to EUT requirements of different industries. EUbTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

Third, reference standards:EUbTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
IEC/EN61000 -4-2 IOS17626.2 IEC/EN61000-6-1/ -2 IEC/EN61326 IEC61340 ANSI C63.16 ITU -T K20GR1089 -CORE ENV 50141EUbTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

4. Discharge ModelEUbTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
1. Human Body Model (HBM)EUbTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
Human body static electricity is the most important and frequent factor that causes explosives and electric explosives to explode unexpectedly. Therefore, the anti-static hazard requirements for electric explosives at home and abroad are mainly based on anti-static human body, and a human body model has been established. (Human Body Model - HBM), HMB is one of the earliest and most important models established in the ESD model. The human body can store a certain amount of electric charge, so the human body obviously has capacitance. The human body also has resistance, which depends on the elasticity of human muscles, water content, contact resistance and other factors. Most researchers consider capacitor series-resistance to be a reasonable electrical model, and many studies have attempted to determine appropriate values ​​of these parameters for a typical human body. A capacitor in series with a resistor is usually used as the human body model. As early as 1962, the U.S. National Bureau of Mines measured that the capacitance range of 22 person-time human body was 95-398PF, and the average capacitance value was 240. The average resistance between hands was 4000Ω as measured in 100 tests. EUbTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
These data were used to build the human body modelA good start and, with some modifications, used to build early analog circuits in the electronics industry. Kirk et al. measured the capacitance value of the human body in the range of 132-190PF. The human body resistance value is 87-190Ω. In order to achieve consistency, the U.S. Navy proposed a so-called standard human body model with a capacitance value of 100PF and a resistance of 1.5kΩ in 1980. This standard has been widely adopted, but later encountered some problems. EUbTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

2. Machine Model (MM)EUbTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
Because it is widely used in Japan, it is also called the Japanese model. The difference from the furniture model is that it mainly consists of 200pf capacitor strings with very low resistance (<10Ω) instead of the usual series resistors. Typical representations of machine models are robotic arms with electrical insulation, vehicles, insulated conductors, etc. The waveform of the discharge of the machine model is similar to the expected waveform of the furniture model, the difference is that the charged capacitance is larger. The waveform of a typical machine model discharging a small resistance (<10Ω), the peak current can reach hundreds of amperes, and the duration (determined by the inductance of the discharge path) is hundreds of nanoseconds. EUbTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
Field Induced Charged Device Discharge Model (F-CDM)EUbTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
With the modernization of device production and assembly, most operations on devices are completed by automatic production lines, and the chances of human contact with devices are relatively reduced. The electronic device itself may be charged due to contact and friction with the working surface and packaging materials during processing, handling, and transportation. When the charged electronic device is close to or touches the grounding conductor (human body), electrostatic discharge will occur. EUbTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
Studies have shown that electrostatic sensitive devices will cause serious harm to the components after electrostatic discharge occurs to the grounding conductor after the device is charged. Because the discharge process described by the charged device model is caused by the charging of the device itself, the failure of the charged device model is one of the main reasons for the damage and failure of electronic devices. EUbTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

5. Application fieldsEUbTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
The electrostatic discharge generator is mainly used in the anti-human body metal model electrostatic discharge test of system-level electronic equipment such as mobile phones and computers. Includes electrostatic generator and electrostatic discharge gun. The output of the electrostatic generator in the electrostatic discharge generator is both positive and negative, and some of them can be switched between positive and negative. Their voltage bipolar high-precision output is continuously adjustable. It is also suitable for more application fields and the requirements of new standards in the future. Therefore, the electrostatic discharge generator can be used for electrostatic discharge testing of most electrical and electronic equipment. EUbTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer