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2023-07-18 0 Views

Analytical cleaning and maintenance of the microwave digestion tank

A microwave digestion tank is a reactor designed for the synthesis of chemical substances under specific temperature and pressure conditions. 3s7Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

Currently, most of the microwave digestion tanks on the market use the dual control mode of temperature and pressure, and the mode of controlling temperature or pressure independently is gradually being phased out by the market. 3s7Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

The higher the temperature, the higher the reaction rate of the sample and the degree of digestion;3s7Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

The higher the pressure, the higher the requirements the pressure resistance of the digester. The higher the risk. 3s7Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

Therefore, the authenticity and accuracy of the data read from the temperature sensor and pressure sensor is very important. 3s7Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

Temperature sensors and pressure sensors are important and basic configurations of microwave digestion tanks;3s7Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

In order to attract customers' attention, some manufacturers have infrarot introduced measurement New concepts of non-contact temperature measurement such as temperature measurement and full tank temperature measurement. 3s7Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

Infrared temperature measurement is based on the principle that infrared rays can only penetrate transparent substances to determine the temperature of the sample digestion solution. 3s7Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

Therefore, the temperature of the digestion solution can be accurately measured only when the inner tank of the digestion vessel is made of transparent material. 3s7Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

When making a purchase, consumers can use their own knowledge or consult experts in the industry to think rationally and make decisions. 3s7Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

Conventional cleaning method for microwave digestion tanks: This method is suitable for cleaning most tanks after digestion. The steps are as follows: 3s7Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

1 . Clean with hot water. Microwave Digestion Vessel with Liquid Cleaning:3s7Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

Use a sponge or sabsorbent cotton to scrub off the visible dirt in the microwave digestion tank, and avoid using a hard brush to clean the microwave digestion tank to avoid scratching microwave digestion tanks, resulting in easier adsorption of samples and shorter tank life. 3s7Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

2. Rinse the microwave digestion tank alternately with tap water and deionized water, dry and place in a clean and dry place for later use. 3s7Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

3. The lid part does not need to be cleaned every time the sample is digested. It only needs to be cleaned once a day. The cleaning steps follow the cleaning solution---tap water - deionized water - dry. cleaning steps. 3s7Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

4. It is forbidden to use reagents to clean the jacket. If there are dirt or drops of acid, wipe them with a damp clotha cloth off. 3s7Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

5. If there are organic substances in the dirt, which is difficult to clean with the cleaning solution, you may need to use solvents such as acetone and xylene, and use them to clean the microwave digestion that residual solvent must be rinsed off with water when refueling. 3s7Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

Clean the sample solution cup in time after dissolving the sample, because the material of the sample solution cup is polytetrafluoroethylene;3s7Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

Therefore, various inorganic acids can For immersion cleaning the sample residues are washed off with a soft brush and cleaned with an ultrasonic cleaner. 3s7Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

After acid washing, rinse with tap water, wash with pure water, and dry for later use. 3s7Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

The piston seal cup can be soaked in dilute acid and rinsed with water. 3s7Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

All parts of the digestershould be wiped dry with soft paper and a dry cloth before use. 3s7Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

If acid mist is emitted during operation, stop the machine immediately, remove all parts of the digestion tank after the pressure has dropped, and thoroughly clean it with water (organic solvents such as acetone and ethanol are prohibited). ). 3s7Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

Then dry it in the drying oven at 50 °C before use. 3s7Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

3s7Textile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer