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2023-07-06 0 Views

: Principle and use of the turbidimeter

The turbidity meter, also called turbidity meter, uses the principle of microcomputer and scattered light, suitable for water supply, steel, epidemic prevention stations, chemical industry and other industries to test the turbidity of water. baPTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

To control water turbidity and maintain established water quality standards. It can be used to test turbidity of water samples in water works, power plants, industrial and mining companies, laboratories and field sites. This device is often used as a necessary test device for drinking water systems to apply for QS certification. baPTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

Principle of turbidity meter: baPTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

1. The turbidity of water is caused by traces of insoluble suspended matter and colloidal substances in the water, ISO standard The unit of measurement used is FTU (Nephelometric Unit) which coincides with NTU (Nephelometric Unit). On theThe turbidimeter for measuring the turbidity of water is based on this principle. baPTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

2. It shows the degree of clogging of suspended solids in the water when light penetrates. Particulate matter and colloids such as soil, dust, fine organic matter, zooplankton and other microorganisms in the water can cause turbidity in the water. baPTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

This nephelometer (nephelometer) adopts the principle of 90° scattered light. When the parallel light beam emitted from the light source penetrates the solution, part of it is absorbed and scattered, and the other part penetrates the solution. baPTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

3. Stray light type, transmitted light type and transmitted light scattered light type etc., commonly known as optical turbidimeters and on-line turbidity analyzers. baPTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

4. Turbidity, i. H. the degree of turbidity of water, is caused by a small amount of insoluble suspended solids and colloidal substances in the water. The unit of measurement used by the ISO standard is FTU (turbidity unit), FTU encorresponds to NTU (nephelometric unit). The turbidity meter for measuring the turbidity of water is based on this principle. baPTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

baPTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer