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2023-03-14 0 Views

Does the tensile testing machine need to be calibrated after replacing the new sensor?

Many customers in the tensile testing machine sensor It is wrong to directly buy a new replacement on the market after occurrence of a failure or problem and use it directly after installation without fixing it. After replacing the tensile testing machine sensor, its accuracy should be calibrated using standard weights or ring dynamometers; its errors should be controlled within the standard scale and not compensated. 2SsTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

2SsTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

The sensor is a physical, chemical A device or an assembly that converts biological, biological and other information into information that is convenient for study and processing and has independent functions. In general, it consists of two parts: a sensitive element and aprocessing circuit. The former implements the detection function, and the latter performs processing such as amplification and transmission of the information input through the sensitive element. According to various functions, sensors can be divided into temperature sensors, light sensors, pressure sensors, magnetic sensors, gas sensors, humidity sensors, radiation sensors, etc. 2SsTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

2SsTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

The sensor is a tensile testing machine2SsTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

A very important part, the measurement accuracy of a good sensor is more accurate, the error is controlled within the standard range, and the quality is very important.

2SsTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer