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2023-03-14 0 Views

Fixed the Manhole Cover Pressure Testing Machine failure

During normal use if you ensure this In order to ensure the normal operation of the equipment and get the maximum value from the equipment, it is necessary to maintain and repair the equipment on a daily basis. If problems are found, they must be fixed in a timely manner. Same with Manhole Cover Pressure Testing Machine. So how should this equipment be repaired? Solution? Let's see the detailed introduction below. 8rTTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

Manhole Cover Pressure Testing Machine Maintenance Method: 8rTTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

Device Maintenance The process is as per carried out according to the standard, which ensures that theSpring is placed at different points of the pressure plate to ensure the full range of the test force and not lower the displacement of the load cell under any load. In addition, the equipment must also pay attention to the impact of the load on the experimental results. The early load is mainly caused by the AC motor drive transmission system loads The load speed cannot be adjusted, but for elastic components , there is a rebound gain and quick tightening. When data is actively collected, it is very different from data collected by slow compression or stop compression. 8rTTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

Manhole cover pressure testing machine appears troubleshooting method :8rTTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

Overhaul If the switch does not appear at this time, check whether the 220V power supply and the microcomputer system power supply are OK. If the fuse is broken, it needs to be replaced in time If the transformer has input but no output, the transformer must be replaced or rewound, if the voltage regulator circuit is not good, check the corresponding bridge diodes and filter capacitors and the corresponding connecting wires, if it is damaged, it must be replaced, if there is a weak soldering or an open circuit, it needs to be resoldered.8rTTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

during maintenance Check if there is a short circuit point in the 5 volt load circuit. If necessary, remove it in time and clean and dry it. Of courseyou can also exchange the components; when checking the voltage of the digital tube, if it is abnormal, if it is caused by the external CPU, you must repair and replace immediately. 8rTTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

Actually manhole cover pressure testing machine If you pay attention to timely maintenance and operation methods during use, no major failures will occur. Of course, to ensure safety and ensure the life of equipment, regular maintenance is also required. because the maintenance can be found in time Hidden dangers that appear in later use should be eliminated in time. 8rTTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

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