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2023-03-09 0 Views

What is the difference between a rubber stretcher and a metal stretcher?

The functions of rubber traction machine and metal traction machine are used for the tensile testing of the product. The product that corresponds to the rubber traction machine is rubber, and the product that corresponds to the metal traction machine is metal, so in addition to the various products. What are the differences between the rubber towing machine and the metal towing machine? Today I explain it to you. pKiTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

pKiTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

pKiTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

Let's start with the structure of the stretching machine: The rubber stretching machine and the metal stretching machine are basically the same, but the rubber stretching machine has the option of It gives an extensometer more than the metal traction machine, and the metal traction machine is thicker than the rubber traction machine in terms of structure. The reason why the rubber tensile machine has an additional extensometer is because the elongation distance of rubber products is relatively large, and the deformation during the tensile test is relatively large. The more you at onePulling the tensile test on rubber products backwards, the more the stress points are concentrated in the middle and not on both sides. So if an extensometer is not available, the test results will be inaccurate.

pKiTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

Next, let's talk about the difference between the data of the metal tractor and the rubber tractor. It was explained above that the structure of the metal tractor will look thicker than that Rubber traction machine. The measurement range of the traction machine is much larger than that of the rubber traction machine. The measurement range of the rubber traction machine can be about 5000N, but the measurement range of the metal traction machine is 50kN, and sometimes 500kN is possible, so at the tensile test, the load capacity is also large. If the structure is too thin, the instrument may be damaged during the tensile test. Why doesn't the metal pull machine use an extensometer? The reason is very simple. The elongation distance of the metal tensile machine is very in the tensile testshort, unlike rubber products that stretch over a long distance. The test can be finished as soon as the instrument test is turned on, so extensometers are not used. Simply put, extensometers are useful for tensile testing of products with large deflections.

The above difference between the rubber towing machine and the metal towing machine is a summary of the towing machine manufacturer Guoliang Instrument, please do not reprint without permission! pKiTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

pKiTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

pKiTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer

Wuhan Guoliang Instrument is a tensile testing machine manufacturer that specializes in producing electronic tensile testing machine, universal tensile testing machine and others Testing instruments Testing materials include: rubber, plastic, metal, geotextile, etc. Welcome to the consultation!
pKiTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer