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2021-11-16 0 Views

Xenon lamp weatherproof test chamber maintenance methods

Mechanical equipment is essential for every industrial enterprise, but only regular maintenance to keep them in good working condition. The xenon lamp climate test chamber as a mechanical equipment, although responsible for the product and material testing work, but regular cleaning and maintenance can effectively extend the life of the test chamber, improve the accuracy of test results. But the premise of this is to maintain the test chamber is the correct method, if the wrong way to maintain and may cause the exact opposite result.8DDTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
8DDTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
Can extend the life of the xenon lamp weatherproof test chamber maintenance methods8DDTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
8DDTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
1, can not be flammable and explosive or corrosive substances into the chamber for testing, or lead to the test chamber alarm, and then automatically stop running.8DDTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
8DDTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
2, to often keep the installation of the test chamber place clean and tidy, such as the bottom of the box and around can not use a lot of dust, or the test chamber in the process of testing the dust will be inhaled, resulting in the failure of the test chamber or test results inaccurate situation.8DDTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
8DDTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
3, at the end of each test to clean the studio, but in the clean only need to use the cotton cloth with water to wipe it, but after the studio must be dried.8DDTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
8DDTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
4, the test chamber of the distribution room cleaned once a year, in the cleaning can use a vacuum cleaner or hard brush to remove the accumulated dust on the mesh. However, before cleaning must cut off the power supply of the equipment to avoid electric shock type accidents.8DDTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
8DDTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
5, to regularly test each part of the xenon lamp weather testing machine, if the problem must be replaced in a timely manner, to avoid damage to parts leading to equipment failure or cause accidents.8DDTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
8DDTextile Testing Instruments, Testing Equipment Manufacturer
However, if the xenon lamp climate test chamber in the use of the process of more serious failure, then do not repair without authorization, because it is likely to lead to more serious problems. In addition to the usual use of the test chamber in the process do not modify, disassemble the test chamber to avoid the test chamber in the use of the process of problems.